NEW Update Coming Soon! Full Info
I’m proud to announce that this website is getting a brand-new update!
In this post, we’ll cover all the areas in which it will be updated, so keep reading for more.
New Site Theme & Interface
To make the website more easily accessible, we’re going to be updating the design and interface.
The organization of the site menu will also be updated to make things easier to navigate!
New Regular Posting Schedule
To make more time for my ongoing YouTube channel, we’re adjusting the posting schedule of this blog to once a month instead of weekly.
New Pages
The new pages are still in early development, but one of the pages that will be added is a Member Site, where paid members - a new feature I’m introducing to the website - have access to all the features that are exclusive to them.
New Members Feature
Following the Member Site page, let’s explain the new paid members feature that will be added!
So as you know, the free blog posting schedule is once a month. However, paid members will get access to a paid blog subscription that updates every other week, and is usually longer and more detailed than the regular posts. These will include art tutorials in a wide range of topics.
I also plan to add polls that update every other week as well that gives paid members the ability to choose what topics they want the next paid blog post to be on.
Adding to the paid features that will be added, another one in development is exclusive full speedpaints and screen recordings of all of my artworks.
Additionally, I’ll start publishing various courses on different topics of art that will be accessible for paid site members. The first update will see the release of the first episode of the first course, and the topic has yet to be decided.
There will also be a few different tiers of membership, and each has a different amount of payment, the exact numbers of which are currently undecided.
Earnings from the memberships will support me and my work so I can continue to publish tutorials and guides for people!
There are also many more features that could potentially be added, all of which have not been confirmed yet.
When can I expect this update to launch?
Probably in the next few weeks! As I get closer to the launch and set a date I will post a countdown on the site’s homepage!